Serving North Texas


Care Options

We’re here to help you build the perfect care plan​


In-Home Care

We offer flexible personal, companion, and respite care options to accommodate your needs as they may change over time. Personal Care Management includes both Companionship and Household Services.


Now providing reliable transportation service to and from:

Doctor Visits

Day Surgery

Grocery Store


Family Outings

Other Errands

Specialty Care

When advanced health conditions require more specialized care, our Care Experts will tailor a Plan of Care (POC) to best meet your specific needs.

Alzheimer Care

Dementia Care

Parkinson's Care

Cancer Care

Stroke Care


We Take Care Of Family

As we age, our needs change and so should your in-home care options. At Prominent HomeCare Solutions we understand the need for a continuum of care — where both your short and long-term care needs are constantly being assessed and met.

Our Care Managers have built a comprehensive menu of in-home care services for you and your loved ones. Long-term, flexible care plans are built around the circumstances and needs of individuals and their families.

Prominent HomeCare Solutions care team is committed to providing specialty services for clients experiencing chronic illnesses such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, ALS, Cancer, and Heart Health. A Senior Care expert will help build a care plan that incorporates the unique care needs of the illness to ensure your safety and wellbeing.

You don’t have to build your long-term care plan alone. With flexible shifts and the ability to customize your care, our team ensures reliable, compassionate and dedicated care now and into the future.

Reach out today and connect with one of our experienced Client Care Managers for your complimentary long-term planning review and care management consultation.

What To Expect

When meeting with an elder care expert at Prominent HomeCare Solutions we will objectively discuss your loved ones needs in detail to design a flexible plan that fits your needs. Building a comprehensive plan for care doesn’t have to feel overwhelming. Our team of professionals are here to guide you through the process every step of the way.

Speak with a home care expert 24/7 to build your custom care plan.